Assignment 6: Simplify Your World

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  • #17848

    I am hoping that I captured the assignment correctly. I tried to take into consideration your comment on my photos being flat. Hopefully I hit the mark. These are a couple of my vacation pics.

    [attachment=1:2nai1e2e]Landscape 3.JPG[/attachment:2nai1e2e]

    T. Jernigan

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great selection of images. I’m particularly drawn towards the first image. The composition and the colors are very unique and well organized.

    The first image uses “line” as one of its primary photographic elements. The horizontal lines running horizontally across your composition really stand out in comparison with the other elements.

    The two lines created by the land that run through your image divide the image into 3 very distinct layers. There is the dark blue foreground water, the middle ground boat yard which contains most of the action and the city skyline and sky which rests above it all.

    Again, in your second image you’ve used “line” as one of your primary elements, but this time you’ve used a diagonal line instead of a horizontal line. In this image you’ve also managed to incorporate a stronger sense of depth because you’ve positioned yourself closer to your foreground object. Therefore, even though there is less distance between you and your background, the sense of depth is exaggerated because you have a very identifiable foreground, middle ground and background.

    Look at the following photograph for example. They also use a strong sense of depth and lines to help create a great composition.

    Could you imagine the image without the foreground object and the lines it creates? Wouldn’t it look much less dramatic and more flat?

    This is what I’m trying to get you to strive towards. You’re heading in the right direction. Great work!

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