Assignment 9

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  • #18411
    Marissa Berguson


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Rissa,

    Thanks for sending this in.

    Here are some notes:


    I have drawn cross hairs over the most interesting element of the frame. Namely the place my eye is drawn to the most. The person’s head.

    Now this image is full of symmetry and yet it is not perfectly centered or composed using the basics of composition like the rule of thirds.

    In other words you should either go symmetrical or follow the rule of thirds or the golden ratio like I’ve pointed out with the arrow.

    In this case your photo is crooked and not centered… So it’s sort of stuck in between…

    Also I like that you can make out the person is wearing a tie but there is no detail on the right side, is he holding a jacket? In this case it doesn’t really add anything…

    In terms of the tonal range you’ve got that pretty well covered here.

    I assume you wanted the outside to be blown out? That’s a nice silouette look!

    Just be careful about camera shake, if you look at the edge of your subject you’ll notice some blurring going on…

    Try to remember to use a tripod when you can.

    More than anything else though I like that this photo has a mood and a feeling to it. It’s not just a snapshot… That means you’re improving your skills!!!


    See you on the next assignment.

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