Beast to Beauty

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  • #17424

    First picture was used with an automatic setting, and the second shot was using the bulb feature on the camera giving it that “frozen in time” appearance. Any feedback is appreciated.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Both shots are very well done. The first shot of the deer is particularly well done. Let me begin by discussing that photograph first.

    Very interesting. It’s unlike many of the other assignments we’ve had in this section that choose to change their position. You’ve instead chose to change your camera settings to impact the difference in the composition and colors. Very interesting and very well done.

    However, what I want you to keep an eye out for is the 4 walls of your photograph. Almost all photographers who enroll in this course start out focusing on the center of their picture (of their main object) with almost complete disregard for the 4 walls of their photograph. However, for a photographs composition and organization to work the center of the photograph and the 4 walls need to work in together to create a harmonious and dramatic picture.

    Its’ the most common mistake that photographers make: Not paying attention to the 4 walls of their photographs. It’s called “amputation’ when you cut parts of your primary objects off unintentionally. For example, if an artist was painting this scene do you think they would have included the whole paper towel roll or cut it off at the top with the top frame of the photograph? They would likely decide to include it and include the whole thing, not just part of it.

    It’s hard to re-train your eye to be aware of the “whole” and not just your primary object. But it’s both the primary objects and the secondary objects that work together to create the image. The primary object doesn’t work alone to create the image.

    It’s something you’ll need to keep an eye out for in your future photographs. But other than that…. Great work!

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