Color & Color Theory

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    I decide to take a few pictures of our roses and keep it simple… I like the Red and pink against the green background. Also visited our Pittsburgh Zoo and got this great shot of the dominate Gorilla being black and his territory being green. Have a good day!! 😀

    Duncan Rawlinson

    SO sorry for the slow reply.

    We’re in Australia shooting photos.

    We hope to get to this in the next few days.

    Our apologies.


    Haha! I decided to check the site and saw your replies to both posts! I think that’s awesome that you are still there! I hope you share some of your photos! Safe Travels!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    The goal of this assignment was to have you show that you can simplify a photograph using color as your primary element.

    As always there is no correct or incorrect way of taking photographs, some photos are just better than others when color is a priority.

    You’ve submitted three photographs.

    The first two images have several colors in them. In both the background is dark, there are some green stems, and powerful pinks/reds in the foreground.

    If your goal was to use green and the flowers’ respective color than one option would have been to try to get more light on the green stems to make them pop a little better. Maybe this wasn’t possible but either way the green stems, the dark background, and the main flower colors just overwhelm the frame and take over… The point is try to simplify with color like you’ve done in your last photo.

    Your last photo is really what this assignment was all about.

    The dark black and the green work really well together here.

    Try to use this last photo as a model of how to simplify with color going forward.

    Sometimes less is more.

    Great work by the way.

    I can sit here and critique photos all day but the fact is, these are nice images! There is always room to improve though 😉

    Keep it up!


    Awesome! thanks for the advice!!! :mrgreen:

    Duncan Rawlinson

    You’re most welcome!

    Are you on Twitter? If so what’s your username?

    We’re there:


    Yes I am… I am a follower of Photography Icon… I’m Beeg87 🙂

    Duncan Rawlinson


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