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  • #17383


    I am blessed with magnificent sunrises and sunsets from my house. But I found it challenging to actually make it look interesting. I found that adding the black window frame was an interesting contrast to the romantic sky.



    Duncan Rawlinson


    Great shot. Sunsets are some of photography audiences favourite shots. They make up a great deal of desktop backgrounds and bedroom posters. People are drawn to the colors of the “magic” hours during the beginning of the day and just before the sun goes down.

    I do have a couple of recommendations for you though.

    1. Underexposing your images slightly will help bring out the colors and make the whites more subtle. It often makes the sunset look more dramatic. If your camera doesn’t have exposure control then point your camera at something brighter than the sunset and touch your cameras button without pushing it all of the way down. This will make your camera exposure properly to the bright setting. However, when you move your camera over to the sunset it will be forced to be underexposed. Play around with this until you get the right setting.

    2. Secondly, you were right to use those window bars in your foreground. You’re on the right thinking path. However, it helps to add more depth and create interesting secondary elements beyond just the sun or colors. The window works well but it still just creates a picture with two levels of depth (foreground and background). Try getting some mid-ground in there. What about trees, the shore as it stretches out the ocean. The reason so many sunset pictures look boring is because the photographers full attention is on only 1 element: The sunset. Look for interesting secondary object, such as the ones listed above, to help make your shot more interesting. In particular using shores to help create shapes and lead your viewers eye into the photograph is a great way to spruce up the photograph. For example look at this picture…

    Great work. Keep it up!

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