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  • #18328

    Ready 🙂


    [attachment=2:1h0see96]207 copy.jpg[/attachment:1h0see96]

    [attachment=0:1h0see96]002 copy.jpg[/attachment:1h0see96]

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Excellent, let me know when you’ve got the rest so I can critique this.



    Ready when you are. 😛

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Tamara,

    Thanks for sending this in.

    Now my first reaction to your football image is that given it’s a situation you cannot control you’ve done a decent job of using lines and highlighting your main area of interest.

    Although you will also want to consider at a higher level, just how interesting is this photograph?

    I am not an American football fan and I have no interest it really.

    I don’t even know what league this photoraph is featuring.

    That said, you can still make it interesting.

    Look at these:

    photo by the us army

    photo by aj gruel

    photo by nycmarines

    Even if you don’t like football or know anything about football these images pop and they are interesting in their own right. They stand on their own.

    That’s where I want you to go. Make your work and your images stand on their own, as unique, special images that have their own interesting elements.

    I hope you understand what I mean.

    Getting your composition right is just one of a whole host of things you have to do to make something interesting.

    So yes, you’ve got your players lined up and it’s a nice image but I want you to get to the next level.

    Your image of the graveyard is interesting and also nice from a composition standpoint but again, I want more from you! What would you like to say with this image?

    Are you trying to illustrate an emotion or simply show a grave?

    So much can be said in this situation.

    Like this:

    photo by page dooley

    photo by walkadog

    photo by casey david

    Think about the power of these images and how much they mean.

    This is what I mean when I say I want you to take your work to the next level.

    Your images are great by the way, I’m just trying to push you…

    Nice work!


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