CPL filter

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  • #18324
    erja kaikkonen

    I was last week in London and took the opportunity to play around with my new CPL filter. Unfortunately by the time I got to go out (after a very sunny week) the weather had started turning really hazy and smoggy. However, I still got a few shots. Instead of posting photos with or without the filter, I decided to post two photos with the same filter but turning it around for different effects.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I like both of these images.

    You’ll notice that at a certain point some filters just become subjective and you have to learn how and when to use each one.

    In this case I like both images but what’s more important is that the filter should have achieved what you wanted to.

    Did you get the look you wanted?

    Many times the CPL filter will help improve your skies like this photograph:

    Capo Bianco by PeterJot, on Flickr

    Is this the only filter you have?

    Obviously this assignment is a bit of a cheat because all I really want the students to do is get out and use the filters! So you’ve completed the assignment by getting a filter and shooting with it!!

    Good work. I’m excited to be working with you Erja and I will see you on the next assignment.

    I’m sorry if you had technical problems with this assignment.

    erja kaikkonen

    Hi, thanks for your feedback and sorry for the delay in getting back to you with a response. I just realised you had a question that I should answer. 🙂 The weather was very hazy and dull during that afternoon in London, so yes, the filter helped me a little to add some tones in the sky and the water. I was especially happy with the different effects created by turning the filter around.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I’m glad to see that you got some good use out of your filter here!

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