Dramatic Effect

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  • #18692

    Excuse the large files as I was blessed enough to receive the mighty Nikon D800!! 😀 Now the image quality will be off the charts!

    Here are the before and after pictures of the subject I chose to use.

    Enjoy! 🙂

    Duncan Rawlinson

    First things first.

    D800 FTW!!! 😯

    Awesome camera!

    Now let me write this critique. Standby.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    So the after image is clearly superior but after thinking about this for a moment it’s not really that dramatic.

    I would you you to re-shoot this and try something new.


    Yes sir I recommend you get you’re hands on this megapixel powerhouse! 🙂

    Now that I look back it you are right. Worth the shot though!

    But I got just the thing and I will post my new results ASAP! 🙂


    Here are the re-shooting results of a very beautiful sunset glow.

    Enjoy! 🙂

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi there,

    Thanks for submitting another set of photographs.

    To be fair the assignment clearly states “We don’t want to see purple sky’s unless it’s believable.” In this case you have created some purple skies that are borderline believable.

    I guess the main thing here for you is to realize that the goal of using your post processing in photography should generally be to make subtle improvements to your images.

    At other times if you want to create your own digital artwork than by all means go crazy and have as much fun as you’d like.

    But generally with photography subltle changes are good. But there is nothing you can do to take a terrible image and make it a great photograph using post processing.

    The standard rule applies, garbage in=garbage out. So always always always get it in camera if you can. And only if you can’t then do you rely on post processing to improve your images with drastic changes.

    In this case a huge portion of this image is a black mass and and a sky. Now you have managed to pull out the clouds and make it more interesting but skewing the color so far toward purple it became a bit too unnatural.

    Whatever the case the image is more interesting although the color seems a bit unnatural.

    Nice job here, just remember subtle is better!

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