Filter assignment by Anita

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  • #17410

    Here is my 4 assignment. I used an polarizing filter. I’m wondering if you could recomend filters for some “special effects”?
    Best regards

    Duncan Rawlinson

    wonderful shot.

    I really like the contrast of the blues and reds in this photograph. It’s also composed very well. That being said, there are a few options for improvements in your composition. For starters, the baby’s glove has been cut off (amputated) by the bottom wall of the photograph. I think it would have been beneficial to include the entire object rather than cutting it off slightly. Secondly, I think this photograph would have looked slightly more interesting with an informal balance by placing your subjects on the left side of the photograph (also ensures you abide by the rule of thirds). My second recommendation isn’t a “must” but I think it may have helped make the photograph more dynamic and interesting.

    As far as the filter use goes, the polarizing lens has helped take the glare off the water. However, I think this shot could have benefited by a grey gradual filter that would have altered the look of the sky slightly. Similarly, I think turning down the exposure would have helped bring some of those brilliant blues out of the ice and help exaggerate the sky a little bit.

    Great job. Keep up the good work.

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