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  • #17707

    I chose a polarizing filter for my assignment. I really like how it adds color to a sky and overall color to your pictures. I also love how it cuts out glares in glass. I will definietly use this filter alot. I find my photos look grainy when I used the filter. Why is this? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks for your help.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Beautiful photograph.

    My initial reaction was very positive to this shot.

    Let’s start by discussing your concern with grain. I did immediately notice the noise in this shot. Digital pixilation does not look like film pixilation. When you enlarge the image you will notice small blotches of coloured pixels which make up the noise. While sometime this grain in film cameras can look desirable, it is often less visually pleasing in digital photographs.

    First I would ensure your filter is clear and then I would turn down your ISO speed. Higher ISO speeds cause pixilation. When shooting on sunny days outdoors you should choose the lowest ISO speed possible to help ensure your image is as crisp as possible. IF you every plan on enlarging your images you should also ensure you use the lowest ISO speed as possible (often changed using your camera’s menu settings). Try using an ISO of 50, 100 or 200.

    The polarizing filter will be cutting the light that comes into your sensor, which is why you may be experiencing the pixilation.

    From a composition standpoint, the image is very strong. I love how you’ve used a small piece of snow on your bottom frame to help act not only as a strong foreground element, but also play the role of a “leading line” and help guide the viewer’s eyes into the photograph.

    You’ve also chosen a limited color palette for an image that is wide and includes many different objects. This is no easy task. You’ve also incorporated a strong sense of three dimensionality by using strong foreground, middle ground and background elements.

    Overall, great work!

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