Filters – by Jess

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  • #18316


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey Jess!!!

    Thanks for sending in another great assignment. I enjoy it when I see a photographer progressing like you are.

    You’ve submitted a lovely landscape photograph here.

    It’s great when students submit both the non-filter and the filter photograph.

    Just look at the difference between these two photos. The circular polarizing filter makes quite a difference doesn’t it?!

    Pay special to your water and your sky in this photograph. With the filter they are clearly superior are they not?!

    Now you’ll want to determine when and where to use this filter. That’ll be your next hurdle…

    In terms of landscapes this is a nice photograph.

    Here are some more inspiring photographs.

    You’ll notice that simplicity, powerful colors, and fascinating landcapes themselves make for some great photos:

    Khezr Beach, Hormoz Island, Persian Gulf, Iran by Hamed Saber, on Flickr

    Country Mile by Nicholas_T, on Flickr

    Dune Minimal I by Beadmobile, on Flickr

    Now try to learn from images like this and incorporate what you learn into your own work.

    Next time you see a great landscape take note! Get your tripod out at the right time of day and make your next masterpiece!

    Keep going you’re doing great!!!


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