Final exam

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  • #18349

    I finished this course about 2 months ago and have yet to get my final grade or my certificate in the mail….


    I was mistaken, I finished my exam last month, I think the 12th or 13th, but still did not receive my final grade nor was I notified about when I would receive my certificate. I know they get mailed out once a month so I wasn’t sure if I would be receiving mine this month or not and would like to know about my final grade. Thanks, and I really enjoyed the class!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Melissa,

    I think it’s Melissa?! I believe that I saw that you took the exam 12 times if I remember correctly. I think I sent you an email at the time to see if everything was ok or not?

    Not sure if I got a response to that or not. So maybe we can figure this out here! 😉

    Was everything ok with the course?

    Would you like you me to send you a pdf of your certificate?

    Also, I don’t want you to worry too much about a final grade. I’d like you to be happy that you’ve taken the course and that you’re photography has improved.

    You’re also welcome here on the forum to talk to other students and get involved.

    I look forward to hearing from you.



    Yes its Melissa,
    I thought something was weird. It kept reloading without giving me a score so I took it again and it still never gave me a score so I gave up. My daughter was playing with my iPad and might have refreshed everything, dunno if that’s possible.
    You can send it through PDF that’s fine. I checked my email and never received anything from you.
    The course was great. I learned a lot and I enjoyed the lessons! Thanks!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I just sent your scores and your certificate!

    Thank you!

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