First Assignment: Cabinet door

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  • #18508

    😀 Thank you for reviewing my first assignment.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thanks for your first assignment. Welcome to the student community! 🙂

    Did you confirm that you are on the email list?

    Also if you’re on Twitter your can follow Icon Photography School here:!/photographyicon

    You’ve already done well by submitting your first assignment.

    You have completed the first assignment and you’ve done so quite well. You’ve managed to take a mundane object and make it look more interesting through photography.

    What people often forget about images like this is to try to add a dash of life or a dash of color.

    For example look at this image:

    The color really pops and it is just lovely.

    Also when shooting something static like this you could add some life. Often something as simple as a hand in the frame with liven it up enough to make it more interesting. Also when adding people or something alive we get a better sense of scale.

    If there are a couple things I wish I knew earlier it’s get close, include life, and shoot lots of images.

    It’s nice to have you here on the student forum.

    Thanks for enrolling and see you on assignment 2.

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