Hard and soft lighting

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  • #18551

    I hope these are ok 😕

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Amanda,

    These are perfect. Although please label your NSFW images NSFW 😉 I often work out of public spaces or coworking facilities and some of these are a bit racy.

    It’s pretty clear that you’ve moved along quite well with your photographs. You’ve advanced very well and this assignment shows that you can distinguish between two very different types of light.

    Your soft light image is soft but also lit properly. Most students just submit photos that are dark, and not soft. Your image is soft and as such meets the criteria for this assignment!

    Also, what’s even more significant is that you seem to have found a nice that interests you, female tattoo photographs. Have you ever see the work of the “suicide girls”? It’s somewhat pornographic but it’s also art. They feature heavily tattooed women in erotic poses. If you’re into this kind of thing you should check them out. I started to notice them because they often appear in creative commons search results on Flickr.

    Your hard light image of the football players also meets the criteria for hard light.

    Take note of the shadows here. They are crisp and very constrasting.

    There are a couple things you can learn from this image. For one it appears the white balance is a bit off and skewed toward purple. That’s no big deal though and it can be fixed easily.

    Another thing you can learn from this image is the compression that is going on. When you zoom in on something the image becomes flatter. Do you see how the coach (or man in the back) appears to be very close to the football players, yet we know he is in fact quite far from them? Also note how the players feel very close together. Almost touching each other.

    This is because you shot this on a telephoto lens around ~150mm. You can use this to your advantage in the future. If you want things to feel cramped or that the subject is very close to the background you can shoot on a long lens.

    The classic shot of the hero running in front of the train as it bears down on him in the movies uses this effect. They just put the camera very far away and zoom way it. As such it appears as though the actor is very close to getting hit by the train.

    In any case this is certainly a hard light photo.

    Nice work.

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