Hard Vs. Soft lighting

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  • #17762

    My example of hard vs. soft lghting

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Wonderful example for this assignment on lighting.

    You’re images not only capture what was asked from you from a lighting standpoint, but also contain some other really strong compositional elements.

    Both photographs use shape as a primary artistic tool and both use strong and well organized color palettes which enables you to organize, control and focus your audiences attention. Wonderful work.

    I do however have two concerns. In your image of the flower, the lighting could be a bit softer and / or more directional (from the side). I feel like there is a lot of hidden texture in this photograph that not being brought out due to flat lighting.

    My second concern is with your next image. You’ve appears to have “burnt out” (i.e. overexposed) some of the brighter white tones within the water near the bottom of the frame. This is a limitation of digital cameras, but one that you need to be aware of at all times. If you have a burnt out area of white it means all of that digital information is lost. It’s not something you can resurrect in your editing suite. While it’s often not always avoidable, it’s important to be aware of it and try to make sure that it doesn’t impact any of your primary objects. In this case, I found it a bit distracting because it did interfere with the water which I would argue is one of the more important parts of this photograph.

    That being said, I love this photograph. I think the composition is incredibly strong. Artistically I think it’s great. I just need you to be really sensitive to the technical issues of lighting and exposure as well.

    Keep up the great work!

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