This assignment called on your to create a photograph that had a thought out color palette. You were forced think about the ways colors interact and the emotions they communicate. You’ve done a wonderful job of composing this image with color in mind. You’ve done exactly what this assignment asked of you.
The two predominant colors used in this photograph are the complimentary colors of orange and blue. What’s interesting is that because the colors are “weighted” roughly evenly, this photograph appears neither warm nor cool. If you showed more the sky the image would have appeared cooler and if you showed more of the temple the image would appear warmer. However, the 50/50 split keeps the image neutral. This isn’t right or wrong. It’s just something to be visually aware of. Obviously, changing the balance of colors also changes the feeling and tone of the image as well.
While you’ve done a great job of organizing the color palette of this image, and the overall composition is good, there are a few noticeable mistakes in the framing and composition.
In your quest to compose an image that is well thought out from a color standpoint, you’ve accidentally amputated secondary objects around the 4 walls of the photograph. For example, you’ve cut off 50% of the man’s body on the right side of the image. That is very distracting to look at. It looks accidental and disorganized. Take an extra moment when you’re composing each shot and examine the 4 walls of your image. You’ll be glad you did. Most framing mistakes can be fixed by simply changing your position, using your zoom or editing it in post production.
Great work though. Overall this a wonderful image.