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  • #18129

    When I look at photographs of people I try to see them intimately. For instance, the photographer Richard Avedon. It is obvious that he was very often involved with a particular photo session, particlarly when he sat his subject in front of a white background and shot in black and white. One was immediately drawn to his subect’s face. I think now of the pictures he took of his dying father. So real, sincere and truthful.

    As for nature in photographs, I think perhaps of the painter Van Gogh and his painting “Starry Night”. I would love to learn how to take a night or timed photo of nature sleeping. Or the moon. Or a sunrise / sunset. Or perhaps close ups of active nature: rain, snow or dry heat. I think of much of this as modern art.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thank you for sharing this with us.

    It seems as through your mind is open to countless photographic possibilities. You’ve not specialized your interest yet (which isn’t necessary), but as you progress as a photographer you’ll likely notice your mind is drawn towards one visual style over another, and one visual story telling method over another.

    Your focus will evolve with time which will allow you both to grow and learn more things. But for now, it’s nice that you’re so open to exploring everything.

    However, first it’s important to get your head around the technical components of the craft. Your next few assignments will help you build a strong technical foundation to build a strong portfolio on.

    Best of luck continuing with the course!

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