Thanks for submitting your first assignment.
I like what you’ve tried to do here. You have taken the mundane and tried to make it more interesting.
You took some dates which are certainly boring and you’ve created a fairly dynamic image.
Of course there are always a few areas of improvement. In this case the image itself is not in focus. It may appear that is in focus when you look at a scaled down version of the image but when you look at the image at 100% scale you will see it it out of focus. So next time to to nail your focus. Use manual focus if you can.
In a static image like this you have more freedom to shoot at lower ISOs. When nothing is moving and you’re shooting a still life image like this you should try to shoot on a tripod at lower ISO. That way you don’t get the noise that this picture has. Take a look at the image’s noise at 100% scale. Thats because it was shot at ISO 1600. Of course if the area is dark and you can’t control the light you will have to use a higher ISO but in this case it looks like you could have used more control.
The light you have chosen here is certainly dramatic. In fact the harsh shadows are the most interesting thing in this image. There is one oddity though, it appears as those there are multiple shadows. Your camera may be auto bracketing or compiling HDR like images in camera or you have multiple light sources, In any casue the three shadows look odd.
The main point worth noting here aside from the technical stuff above is that you’ve taken something boring and made it look more dynamic through photography.
Take this idea and apply it to the most interesting things in your visual world and your photography will improve dramatically.
Nice job here. See on you on the next assignment.