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  • #18203


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thanks for submitting some great shots!

    The assignment:

    Lesson 10: Assignment Assignment Title: Landscape or Cityscape

    This will be an assignment that will test your practical knowledge of landscape or cityscape photography. For this assignment you will need to take a visually impressive cityscape or landscape shot (depending on whichever is more convenient for you to achieve).

    Your picture should take into consideration everything we’ve spoken about thus far. Take care with your composition and lighting. When you are ready you can upload your work to our online student assignment centre.

    Given you’ve submitted three photos I will do a brief critique on each one.

    Photo 1:


    1. Horizon line
    Be aware that if you’re not shooting on a tripod with a level your horizon line may be crooked. There is a debate about whether this matters but I prefer them the to be perfectly straight. In this case you’ve done well although it may not be exact.

    2. Extra elements.
    I like the idea of including extra elements to the frame if they’re not distracting. In this case the branch/leaves on the left of the frame are borderline distracting.

    3. Nice element.
    This on it’s own would have been just about perfect as an element to add another dimension to the frame.

    4. Potential crop
    This is just a potential crop on this image.

    Overall great image!!!

    Photo 2:


    1. Horizon line
    The same applies here. It’s close but not perfect.

    2. Amputation
    The sun is one of the most important elements in the frame on this image. Be aware not to ‘amputate’ your important elements by cropping them out. Keep essential elements in the frame completely.

    3. Dark
    This area is a little dark. You could have potentially opened up, or shot a longer exposure in this case.

    Overall great image!!

    Photo 3:


    1. Horizon line

    2. Extra element
    This extra bump here is slightly distracting and could probably have been cropped out. (the vertical line would be a potential crop)

    3. Gorgeous.
    These elements are gorgeous! Good job!

    I look forward to your next assignment!

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