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  • #17933

    This is my photographs for lesson 10.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    These are, without debate, two of your best wide shots yet. I love seeing students successfully use creative and technical photographic ideas in larger geographic spaces.

    I’m particularly drawn towards your second photograph because it has some of my favorite compositional elements. For starters, you’ve used a brilliant leading line in the bottom-left corner that introduces the audience’s eyes into the composition. The photograph then uses colors in layers, with the foreground being green, the middle-ground having more of an orange hue and the top half of the photograph incorporating different gradients of blue. What a shot!

    I also love the more subtle elements of the photograph like the atmospheric fog in the background and the different subtle lines that the changes in hills create.

    All three of these shots are fantastic, but they share 1 common theme that I want you to experiment with a little more. Try getting your horizon line out of the center of your frame. Think about what level is more visually interesting and focus on that.

    Let’s use your second image for example. The ground is without question more interesting than the sky. What you could consider doing in this case is dropping yourself closer to the ground (with will also make your ground a stronger foreground element) and include less of the sky. This will make your composition less balanced and slightly more dramatic. It’s not wrong what you’ve done, but I want to see you experiment with this further.

    I think you could also do the same for your last shot of the forest trail. Changing your perspective is the easiest photographic element to change. You just need to duck or lay down to change your perspective and use more of the ground as a foreground object. This helps push your horizon line either up or down (whatever you think helps your composition more).

    Beautiful work! My initial reaction to all three shots was very favorable.

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