Lesson 1

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  • #18332

    Well here is my first try, I’m sure to improve 🙂
    Thanks in advance,

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Welcome to the student forum! You’re now part of the student community. Welcome! Make yourself at home.

    Here’s a note about getting started on the forum here.

    Did you confirm that you are on the email list by clicking on that link in the email you received?

    Also, are you on twitter? If so follow: http://twitter.com/photographyicon There will be updates posted there.

    Edit your forum signature and add your pic here.

    You’ve taken steps to become a better photographer and you’re already on your way!

    Thanks for submitting your first images. Now onto the critique.

    Isn’t it fascinating that you can find something boring in your personal space and turn it into something fascinating by taking a photo of it?!

    You’ve done just that.

    It looks like your photographic instincts are good because you’ve done a few things correctly right off the bat!

    You’ve approached your subject and gotten very close.
    You’ve used a reflection.
    And you’ve chosen an interesting composition.

    All of this is great.

    As you move forward with your photography you’ll know just how important reflections are. For example like this:

    photo by mikebaird

    I’m excited to have you on the course and I look forward to seeing you progress thought the course.

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