Lesson 1 Assignment

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  • #18513

    Hi there,

    For the assignment I chose something I see many times a day in the house: the oven/steamer. Thanks!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hello Linas,

    Welcome to the student forum. I’m glad to see that you have submitted your first image. May I ask how you found out about the school?

    There are a whole host of elements that you have put together to take a mundane object and turn it into something more interesting using photography.

    For one there is shallow depth of field. In your case you have tried to highligh one of the buttons using shallow dof. Although it appears as though the area that is in focus is slightly off. No worries, I see what you’re trying to do. In this case you may have been too close for your lens’ minimal focus distance.

    Also you have used repetition or a patter to add an element of interest.

    You have also used leading lines to draw in your viewer’s eye. In this case the lines lead to the right of the frame.

    You have also approached your subject from an interesting angle and you have gotten quite close.

    Finally your image is monochromatic. Meaning there is only one primary color in your image.

    All of this is great!!! With a few minor technical tweaks this would have been more interesting. Your depth of field control should ensure that the first button is entirely in focus. Also the image could have been shot using a tripod or using a higher ISO to increase the sharpness.

    Here are some nice examples for your inspiration using pattern as the main organizing element of the photographs:

    photo by visualpanic

    photo by seier

    photo by darwinbell

    photo by josefstuefer

    Welcome to the forum and see you on the next assignment!!!


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