Lesson 1 Beast to Beauty

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  • #18507

    A normal drawer that I see everyday. 🙂

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Maggie.Jane,

    Welcome to the student forum!

    Thanks for submitting your first assignment. Sometimes just getting the first assignment done and submitted is the hardest part. So nicely done!

    Let’s get right to it.

    Your beauty image is quite interesting and I like what you’ve tried to do here. Those red marks almost look like rose petals.

    The fact that you have gotten quite close is good. Just keep in mind when you’re shooting that surfaces can play very large in a photographs. Tables, shelves, floors… Really any flat surface can come to dominate a frame if they are not handled accordingly.

    In this case it appears as though you are shooting down into a drawer. This is an interesting perspective although if I didn’t have the beast image for reference I would have no idea this is a drawer…

    Sometimes the chaos of something like a drawer can have it’s own kind of beauty and I like that you’ve tried to capture that. Alternatively you can show order or life!

    Like this,





    Next time don’t let a foreground element suck as this green drawer dominate the surface of your image. Also be aware of how dark this scene is…. Try to shoot where there is lots of light in your early photography explorations. Everything is easier with lots of light 🙂

    Overall I like what you’ve tried to do here and you will certainly get to learn alot more about how to create dymanic images in the coming lessons.

    The main thing at this stage is to practice practice practice. Your first 10000 photographs are your worst! So get shooting!

    See you on the next assignment!

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