Lesson 1: Beauty and Beast

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    This first assignment has been great in terms of helping me see things differently. I’m not sure if my final photo submitted here is really any good, but I certainly feel that I have started seeing things differently, so I’m happy about that.

    I chose a tissue box just because it was the first boring thing that I saw, and initially I couldn’t see how to make it look like anything more. In hindsight the colourful box is actually quite interesting so maybe from that point of view I broke the brief, but I’m not really sure. I look forward to your feedback.

    If you want to connect on twitter you can find me @eatwholegrain.


    PS. I’ve uploaded web sized versions of the images rather than the originals. I assume this is what you need.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Tom,

    First welcome to our community.

    Second thanks for submitting your first images!

    Often people sign up for the course and they don’t even submit their first image. 😮

    The goal of this assignment is to get you to see the world as a photographer and think about the world like a photographer.

    Any good photographer will tell you there are at least 10 interesting images just waited to be created in your immediate vicinity. It’s just a matter of learning the art and technique of making them good.

    For now, you can learn by just getting creative and having fun with photography.

    You’ve certainly found a mundane item here in your tissue box.

    What’s more important is that you’ve managed to take a tissue box and you’ve turned it into a piece of abstract art but simply changing the composition of the image.

    That’s great.

    Take a look at this and this to see how other people have done a similar thing.

    The idea here is to keep that in mind going forward.

    Always be thinking, “how can I make this image more interesting” “how can I change this to improve the image”

    You’ll find yourself subconsciously asking yourself these questions automatically as you become a better photographer.

    Looking forward to helping you through the course.

    Welcome aboard!

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