Lesson 1 Photos

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  • #18585
    Carolyn Cogan

    I looked around the kitchen and notice the microwave. The microwave is boring in certain light but can have a reflective quality to. Here is boring and reflective.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey there!

    Welcome to the student forum and thanks for your first submission. You’re on your way to improving your photography already.

    First things first did you confirm that you are on the email list for IPS? If not put your email here:

    Also are you on Twitter? If so send an @ reply to @photographyicon and say hi! If you’re not on twitter you should sign up. It’s a great resource for photographers.

    Now onto the critique.

    Many students who go through the Icon Photography School just tend to copy what everyone else does. I like that you chose to do your own thing. I hope you continue to do that. I would recommend only looking at other student work after you have completed your assignment.

    So your photos, let’s see here.

    A microwave is certainly a mundane object and catching the reflection of something else through a mundane object is one heck of a way to make it more interesting. So job well done here.

    If there is anything that can make a photograph more interesting it’s reflections. Actually while we’re on the topic of reflections here is something that is worth noting. For one, if a reflection is the main are of interest in your image you will often want to manual focus and focus on the content of the reflection itself. In other words make set your focus to the thing in the reflection not the object that has the reflective surface. Focus is all about distance and a reflection can really mess your camera’s little tiny autofocus brain.

    In this case neither the reflection or the microwave are properly in focus so you can see how this becomes important.

    If you want to control reflections you will want to get a polarizing filter. But you’ll learn more about filters later in the course. But just be aware that you can remove almost all reflections from an image (like a window if you have to shoot through one) using a polarizing filter.

    Another thing here that you have done well is to get closer to your subject matter. This is also a great idea. Getting close is one of the most fundamental aspects of good photography and one of the easiest things to learn. Just get close to everything you photograph. Some things happen automatically when you get close to the thing you are taking pictures of. For one, you are forced to remove everything from the frame that is not the interesting stuff. Another thing that happens is that you have to make a choice. The choice of what it is that’s actually interesting about what you’re shooting. It is this choice that ends up making good photographs. This will make more and more sense to you over time as a photographer!

    When you’re done reading this review take a look at this: http://photographyicon.com/close/

    The main takeaway here for you should be that you can use photography to make almost anything more interesting to look at. Your camera is like a paintbrush and you will learn to paint your canvas over time.

    The technical stuff will come with practice. Nice job here.

    Don’t forget:

    Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst. -Henri Cartier-Bresson

    So keep practicing and keep shooting!

    High fives to you.


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