Lesson #11: Digital Darkroom: Creating Dramatic Effects

Photography Classes Online – Icon Photography School Forums Photography Lessons Lesson 11 Lesson #11: Digital Darkroom: Creating Dramatic Effects

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  • #17853


    Here is the before / after of my image.



    Duncan Rawlinson

    This is absolutely amazing work. I’m really impressed with this image. Wow.

    This assignment asked you to create subtle and believing changes to a photograph. The intention was to force you to play with digital effects while practicing restraint and not going overboard. I think you’ve done a great job of showing restraint with this photograph, while still using enough effects to get your desired atmosphere and tone.

    You’ve started off with a strong composition that uses great composition, a leading line, and an analogous color palette to help you organize and simply this fairly large area of space.

    You’ve then warmed the image to give it a natural evening glowing feel. The daylight temperature in the first image (daylight is generally a bluer light and is generally measured at 5600k (Kelvin), as the light gets warmer (more orange) the color temperature drops. Some cameras are able to measure color temperature and white balance accordingly, but it’s always nice to play with these effects in post production because you can edit the different tones of each color (highs, mids and lows).

    The thing I love most about the edited image is that you’ve pulled out a lot of additional texture in the trees. The moss on the trees is almost unnoticeable in the first image, but because of colors and shadows you’ve managed to pull out a lot of additional texture in this photograph.

    Overall, wonderful work. Your best assignment yet!

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