lesson 12

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  • #18267

    This was fun. Have a good day!!



    Duncan Rawlinson

    Lynnie W!!!

    You’ve done an excellent job putting together a portfolio online.

    I would recomend adding captions to the photographs if possible.

    Also fill out the “about” page a little more. Tell us about who you are. Why you like to take pictures…

    Add a little personality.

    This image is quite stunning.

    This image is delightful:

    I would remove this photograph:

    It’s slightly out of focus and doesn’t really fit the theme of this ‘album’

    I’m very proud of the work you have achieved to date. You should also be proud of what you have achieved.

    I’m hoping you continue to be a part of the community here.

    Just a note, I was recently informed that the “final exam” is not functioning.

    I’m not sure what happened but don’t do the final exam until we’ve been in touch.



    Wooooo Hoooo!!!! Thank you so much!!!! I am so glad I found your PhotographyIcon.com and decided to take this course! I have grown and learned so much as a photographer. I will gladly tell anyone who asks about this course. I am planning on posting somthing on facebook about my site and your site also…. if that’s OK? did you ever join facebook? Anyway… thanks again and you KNOW I will still be a part of the community on this site and any other’s you tell me about!!! Can’t wait to take the final… let me know when it’s OK. Thanks!!!!!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I’m still trying to figure out what happened to the final exam section of the course. 😮

    I will advise when I have fixed it. 😛


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