Lesson 12 Assignment

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  • #18255
    By the pool
    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey there!

    You’ve created your online portfolio of images so you’ve completed this assignment!!

    Your portfolio has some striking images. They have a nice minimalist aesthetic to them.

    Don’t forget to give your photographs titles and add relevant tags! When I looked at your images the titles we’re IMG_1182(3) etc etc… You can erase the titles completely on Flickr if you want but I think titles add more value.

    You can also add your images to sets or collections.

    Some people organize their images by theme, by location, or by subject.

    Doing this lets people navigate your photos much easier.

    You should also link to your website, twitter, Facebook, etc on your “profile page”.

    Connect with other photographers on Flickr as well.

    Some of my photographs are on Flickr here:


    Happy Holidays!!

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