Lesson 12 by Amanda

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  • #18559

    Here is a link that I have uploaded some of the images to.

    However, most of my images can be seen at the following link:


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Amanda,

    Nice job getting this stuff together online. I would highly recommend that you eventually own your own website and domain name.

    Those platforms are both good for sharing your images and getting them out there but trust me, you want to own your own thing. I’ve been around long enough to see photo platforms come and go…

    Also be careful about using a certain brand. You may end up hating your ‘miss understood’ brand name. One thing that never changes is your own name.

    Whatever the case as long as you have somewhere to share you work and post it up online you’re ahead of the game.

    If you don’t post it up somewhere on the internet, it didn’t happen!

    I’d also like to see some more landscapes here:

    Also the one at the bottom isn’t your strongest image.

    Of course if you’re really into portraits there is no rule saying you need landscapes!

    As always, your first 10000 images will be your worst so keep shooting every single day!

    Nice job here!



    I actually do have my own domain name and website. But I do not have a photo gallery or anything. I usually photograph individuals who are interested in being a Suicide Girl so Miss Understood fits with most of my clientele.


    That is the website. I am going out and shooting everyday…..slowly but surely I do see an improvement on my photographs.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Sweet. I’m hesitant to look at this because I’m in a pubic space. Is it SFW?

    Do you also have yourname.com or yourname.co ?

    If not you should get them and post something there as well.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Also to answer your question you don’t have to be published to do the exam.

    Go ahead any time you want.



    Thank you for answering my question! ๐Ÿ™‚

    I do not know what your standards are however it is most of the same images on missunderstood.com as there are on my other sites….so its nothing you haven’t seen before.
    I can send you a link of Facebook to my page and when you have a chance just glance over it…..


    I took my final….NONE of the pictures uploaded that had questions so all of those were guesses. ๐Ÿ™ totally failed.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    You don’t have to upload any images for the final.

    I’m confused?! Can I help?


    There were images with some of the questions like who the photographer was….all that was shown on the page was a white square with a red X. None of the images showed up on the page.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I’m not seeing the problem on my end and I just ran through the final exam.

    Can you try it again and let me know if there are any problems?




    Ok, I re-took the exam. I only had trouble with one picture. Aside from that……I just cross my fingers that I did well….I have HORRIBLE test anxiety

    Duncan Rawlinson


    This is driving me nuts! I can’t replicate the problem on my end!

    Next time this happens can you take a screenshot!


    Did you want me to go ahead and take it again?

    Duncan Rawlinson

    It’s really up to you. If you feel like you’ll get something from it feel free to take it as many times as you’d like. This course is not really about the rules or pass/fai. It’s about having fun and learning. If doing the exam isn’t fun and you don’t feel like it, don’t do it! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    That said, if you do take it again and something isn’t working please take a screenshot and send it to me.

    Thank you!

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