Lesson 2

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    As I remember, since childhood no event passed without me taking family pictures or videos, but it was 2 years ago when I first met a young Georgian Photographer Natali Burduli, a girl who pushed me to taking a real photographs. When I first saw her works, the thing that first came to my mind was: Nothing is impossible!!! If a person has a vision, even with the cheapest camera she would be able to create such wonderful pictures. I realized that I had wasted my time enjoying other photographers’ works and dreaming that one day I would be able to do the same. It was the right time to go and buy camera for myself and now I can’t imagine myself without it.
    Thinking about the inspiration, it I can’t recall any of the well known photographers who made a huge impact on me. Of course lately I have seen numerous works of famous artists, and I adore their talent, but I don’t have any particular photographer to sort him or her out. But I believe that searching though the works helps me greatly to improve not only the technical, but also the visual side of photographing. I find what I like most, and try somehow to achieve it.
    This assignment asks me to think about a particular piece of work which was of particular importance to me.
    Again I have to mention Natali Burduli and her several photographs in which I think I found myself. Here are some of her works:[attachment=2:1j0utk5e]18137_416560930556_510930556_10603910_1563921_n.jpg[/attachment:1j0utk5e]
    ‘The girl standing on the edge of the mountain’ is really one of the incentives that made me take a camera in hands. I was there when this picture was captured and I was a spectator of the way photographer transferred that simple moment into a beautiful piece of art. The colors she uses I like the most and the composition of the girl and the landscape is breathtaking for me. [attachment=1:1j0utk5e]gallery_103_8_84969.jpg[/attachment:1j0utk5e]
    I love ‘The old lady in the window’. The main character is fascinating to me. I see the sorrow and happiness at the same time on her face and expression. I like the reflections, and the color tones of this picture.
    Although I am not the white and black photography fan, I like “dancing girl in the castle”. The stripes to different directions, the lighting and the happy face of the girl itself give mood of the moment.

    I have not yet specialized my interest in any concrete sphere of photography, but I like experimenting, and through this I gain more and more, I find what best suits me. Most interesting for me are Genre, street photography and portraits. I’m interested in studio shootings as well. Nude, landscapes and macro are secondary for me.
    I like capturing old buildings that gives nice texture to the pictures, interesting people who give life to photos. I avoid taking pictures where there is no live object, insect, bird, animal, human being etc… Otherwise picture is empty for me. The problem is that I have no background and knowledge of photograph techniques – what is right composition, proper lighting etc.
    Looking though the lesson 2, I prefer Floria Sigismondi … her last two pictures are amazing for me, I love her colors, texture and originality.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and inspirations.

    The three photographs you’ve uploaded are incredibly powerful shots. It should also be mentioned that all three photographs abide by different technical “rules” discussed in your upcoming lectures. Whether it be dealing with texture and monochromatic photographs or implementing dramatic colors through properly balancing complimentary colors… it’s all here.

    Again, thank you for sharing this. I’m sure other students will greatly benefit from your examples as well.

    I’m looking forward to seeing your next practical assignment!

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