Lesson 2: Inspiration

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    Anytime I am asked to look at another’s photos, I get this quick rush of excitement to find out more about them. I want to live their memories; Even if only for that tiny moment I observe the print. My love for photography comes from such an inspired place within my soul. It means so much to me to look at past moments in time and celebrate them. I also love to share with others how I view life around me, as if a way of getting to know me as well.

    Pictures have always been a special way of getting closer to others in my life, a picture really is worth a thousand words and by only a click of a button you’ll have that moment in time forever. It just amazes me. Photos of loved ones, toys we played with as a child, places visited on vacation, embarrassing moments, what may have you; All contribute greatly as an inspiration for me as an artist.

    I started taking pictures when I was little. I can remember dressing my little sister up and dragging her out to a field and telling her to “look natural”, while snapping shots of her with a disposable camera. I still look at the pictures to this day and cherish those memories. Life is too short and time passes so quickly. I want to capture those unforgettable moments. I want to taste, smell, hear and feel those memories in the greatest of detail, as to never question just how magical they really were.

    Although there isn’t a particular person who inspired me as a photographer, there is an endless list of people, places, moments and emotions that evoke a need in me to document those instances. I feel as though I need them.

    If by chance, a lost memory pops into my head, I always see it as a photo; Whether it was captured on film or not. The colors, mood, lighting and composition help me relive that time stood still. I find that plenty of reason for me to always have a camera nearby. When I look back on pictures of my family or even abstracts, and get that feeling of tenderness or wonder, it consumes me in the greatest possible way. I stress to others the importance of recording your love for someone or something. Whatever it is, and in anyway you can. Whether you are a painter or poet, a songwriter or singer; holding on to what makes you FEEL is what’s important.

    Everyone needs a creative outlet as well, and for me photography is one of the greatest. There are endless possibilities to what can be achieved and felt through such a strong medium. I am excited beyond belief to gain more knowledge about being a better photographer and can only wish that my photos will one day inspire others to pick up their cameras and explore the world around them. There are no bad pictures, only ones that were never captured, and a never ending amount still waiting to be snapped.


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Thanks for writing up your message for lesson 2.

    I enjoyed reading about what you think about photography.

    There isn’t really much I can “critique” here so I will just tell you what I think.

    Many people start their photographic journey using photography as a form of reminiscence, or memories. Then as time goes on they improve their skills until it becomes an artform and a full blown creative and expressive outlet for them.

    You also mentioned that photography can help improve connections with others. I know that whenever I spend time with family and we look at photos together we feel closer so I totally agree.

    Photographs are a snapshot in time and they are indeed timeless. This is arguably one of my favorite aspects of photography. The fact that I can click a button and stop time!

    Do you still have those photos you took as a kid?
    Post them up in the “share a photo” section of this site!

    One thing that I think you should look into is finding inspiration from other photographers. In that regard here is a list of photographers you can research to learn more:

    Ansel Adams
    Edward Weston
    Henri Cartier-Bresson
    Eugene Atget
    Richard Avedon
    Robert Frank
    Walker Evans
    William Eggleston
    Garry Winogrand
    Alfred Stieglitz
    Lee Friedlander
    Andre Kertesz
    Paul Strand
    Edward Steichen
    Stephen Shore
    Dorothea Lange
    Lewis W. Hine
    Andreas Feininger
    Robert Capa
    Man Ray
    Helmut Newton
    Robert Doisneau
    Alexander Rodchenko
    Julia Margaret Cameron
    Gordon Parks
    Ara Guler
    August Sander
    Alvin Baltrop
    Michael K. Brown
    Andreas Gursky
    Sebastiao Salgado
    David Bailey
    Ryan Mcginley
    Jan Saudek
    Hiroshi Sugimoto
    Willy Ronis
    Albert Renger-Patzsch
    Eadweard James Muybridge
    Mathew Brady
    Dan Winters

    Thanks for this!

    I look forward to your future submissions!

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