Lesson 3

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  • #17980

    Shallow depth of field and object in motion

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I really like both of your photographs for this assignment.

    In your first image you’ve successfully isolated your main object from the background by using a shallow depth of field. Not only has this helped you guide your audience’s attention to an area of primary importance, but it’s also allowed you to create the illusion of 3 dimensions within a 2 dimensional space.

    In your second image, you’ve frozen movement by using a fast shutter speed. Most importantly, you’ve done this while maintaining proper exposure.

    This was a technical assignment where we wanted you to showcase your understanding of the camera’s body. You’ve done a great job of that. However, I do have a couple of comments regarding the composition of both images.

    I really like the first image, but I’m concerned that there isn’t sufficient lighting on the subject’s face. The background appears to be a stop or two higher than the foreground. As a general rule of thumb, audiences will be drawn towards the lightest part of a composition. It’s not wrong what you’ve done. There are many cases where a foreground might be less lit than a background, but I think your intention was to focus on the child’s face. Better lighting (even a small light or a bounce board) would have helped you achieve this goal more efficiently.

    Your second image I also really like. My concern with this image is the amputation (i.e. cutting off) of the green bucket by the left wall of the composition. Be careful how your 4 walls interact with your primary objects. The rest of the walls in the image are great, but I do find the left wall amputation a little distracting.

    Other than that great work!

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