Lesson 3

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  • #18193

    Depth of Field




    Duncan Rawlinson


    Thank you for submitting your assignment.

    I apologize for any delay in responding with our critique.

    The assignment:

    This assignment will have you prove to yourself that you understand how to create motion within a photograph and create a shallow depth of field. It’s a two part assignment and will require that you upload two different photo’s to our online student grading center.

    The first photograph should be captured using a slow shutter speed on a moving subject which will create the illusion of motion within a two dimensional space.

    The second photograph should be a shot of a shallow depth of field. The objects in your foreground should be in focus while your background should be slightly blurred.

    If you don’t have manual control over your camera you should reverse the rules for the second photograph.

    If you don’t have manual control of your camera your first photo should be of a fast shutter speed where you freeze a fast moving object of your choice. Most cameras that don’t have manual control have a fast shutter speed by default.

    Your second photo should be of the largest possible depth of field you can achieve. Again, most cameras that don’t have manual control of this feature are usually built to capture a large depth of field.

    You have submitted two photographs for this assignment.

    Your first photograph was captioned depth of field but I have a feeling this was your ‘motion’ photo as there is a vehicle which is blurred and in motion.

    Your second photo is captioned motion and I believe it is supposed be your depth of field image.

    Regarding your first image:

    This image meets the criteria for this assignment given that it shows the motion of a vehicle passing by. However, going forward I would like you to think about your photos not only for the purpose of these assignments but for actual use. Meaning, would you ever use this photo for anything other than this assignment? If not, maybe you could shoot something that is more interesting to you. The point being that all of your images should be able to stand on their own in terms of interest and subject matter.

    Regarding your second photo:

    This is a nice image and it also meets the criteria for the second part of this assignment so job well done. This image can stand on its own. It’s a nice photo.

    To improve on the next show you take like this here are some tips. (see image)


    1: Continue using a nice soft out of focus generic background like this. It’s much easier to get people to look at what you want them to look at when you do this.

    2: Get closer. When in doubt take one wider photo and then take one ridiculously close photo. Get way closer than you think is even reasonable, then get closer again! It never hurts to get close and show more detail in a photo.

    3: Digital cameras can sometimes have problems with extremely vibrant reds. You’ll notice here that the reds are popping almost too much. In some cases you may have to use some software to bring them back down a little.

    4: Beware of blown of hot spots. When shooting in direct sunlight like this it can be hard for your camera to capture the dynamic range of a photo. If you can stop down or use a neutral density filter.

    Obviously I think your second image is better than the first and I hope you understand what mean to have an image stand on it’s own.

    We look forward to your next assignment.

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