Lesson 3

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  • #18273

    Here are my two photos for assignment #3…. I hope I got it right 🙂

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi there!

    Thanks for submitting your two photos.

    You’ve done very well on this assignment!

    You have achieved both of the goals of the assignment with flying colors, so to speak.

    A couple of minor improvements would be as follows:

    On your first image:
    Either get closer, or move back. In this image you’re trying to isolate the interesting design on this goblet. So do that, isolate it. With the composition the way it is now it’s sort of half and half. You can half see that it’s a goblet and half see that the design.

    I may not be explaining myself very well here but I think you understand.

    Your second image is borderline abstract and that’s ok. I’m assuming it’s a small christmas tree spinning around on its own axis.

    This is a nice image but it’s the same idea as above. If you want it to be abstract make it totally abstract. Otherwise show that it’s a little christmas tree!

    These points are subjective and you’ve done quite well here.

    Remember to continue using vibrant colors like this going forward.

    Job well done!

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