Lesson #3: Finding Depth and Motion

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    Here are my assignments for lesson #3.


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great assignment.

    Your first image is very technically complicated as you needed to move your camera to keep the foreground in focus while blurring the background. Although the image still contains soft focus due to movement, the image is still good nonetheless and captures the idea of this technique. However, slightly sharper focus is required to make it work perfectly. When the image isn’t enlarged it’s harder to tell, but when the image is viewed in full screen, the slightly soft foreground focus is noticeable. Regardless, you’ve accomplished what this assignment asked from you, which was to showcase your ability to create the illusion of movement. You’ve done that perfectly. Great job.

    Your second image uses a shallow depth of field to help you isolate your main object and further assist your audience in drawing their attention towards the more important sections of the composition. By blurring your background you are essentially stating that the background is important for contextual reasons, but the flower in the foreground is the main focus.

    The shallow depth of field also helps create the illusion of three dimensions and effectively duplicates the way the human eye would see such an object with sharp focus in the foreground and soft focus in the background.

    I also really enjoyed the simple, yet strong color palette of this photograph. The various gradients of red, yellow and green really work well together.

    Great work!

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