Lesson 4

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  • #17783

    I experimented with my polarized filter at Sand Dunes National Park.


    Without the filter


    With the filter

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Beautiful images.

    This is really amazing work you’ve done here. The polarizing filter has really helped you make the blue sky more dramatic and vibrant. It’s also helped you pull out a little more contrast in both the sand in the foreground and the mountains in the background.

    Not only have you accomplished what this assignment asked from you, you’ve also used the knowledge from the previous sections and carried them through to this assignment. Your composition is fantastic in this image. You have clean edges that are clear of any distracting or unnecessary secondary elements. You’ve also used a limited color palette of gradients of blues and browns which have helped you simplify a wide special area. It also is worth noting to other students that this image also abides by technical rules such as the rule of thirds and golden mean.

    What I like most about the image though is its sense of depth. You’ve used objects in all layers of the photograph (i.e. foreground, middle ground and background), which has helped you create a sense of “being there”. This photograph really shows the power of a good, yet subtle foreground.

    If anything, I would recommend playing around with your perspective a little more. You don’t need to go overboard with it, but try taking photograph from your waist height, or from above your head. It’s one of the easiest things to change and you’ll get some range in your portfolio from a perspective standpoint.

    Great work!

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