Lesson 4 – Kirk – Poloraizing Filter

Photography Classes Online – Icon Photography School Forums Photography Lessons Lesson 4 Lesson 4 – Kirk – Poloraizing Filter

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    First, I know this isn’t the most creative shot I have produced. I have always struggled with reflections in some of my shot. Specifically, those in store front windows. So, I went down to a local antique store and tested out my new filter. It did help. Now, I just need to find more uses for it. I have plenty of ideas.


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey Kirk,

    Not much for me to add here. You’ve done exactly what the assignment called for.

    The photo itself is quite nice actually. It has a bit of a barber shop feel to it.

    I mainly use them for removing all reflections from pretty much any reflective surface whether its glass, water or even metal.

    Do you have any questions about the CPL and it’s use?

    If not I’ll see you on the next assignment!

    Nice work.

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