Lesson 4: Manipulating Reality

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  • #18084

    [attachment=1:21zcpad4]With No Filter.JPG[/attachment:21zcpad4]
    [attachment=0:21zcpad4]With Polorizing Filter.JPG[/attachment:21zcpad4]

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Wonderful work with this assignment.

    You’ve used pattern, line, color simplicity and depth as a few of your most prominent design elements.

    The pattern within your photograph can be found throughout your photograph, but it’s most noticeable on the right side of the composition where your trees line in a straight row creating a strong sense of repetition and pattern. This helps you organize many objects within a fairly large amount of space. This has ensured, even though your photograph contains a lot of different elements that you’ve managed to organize them in a strategic way which helps your composition appear uncluttered.

    You’ve incorporated lines (not only in the trees) through the use of a strong leading line in the sidewalk and small garden beside the side walk. This leading line helps guide your audience’s eye into the composition.

    Furthermore, your perspective is great. You’ve incorporated a strong sense of depth with a identifiable foreground, middle-ground and background. Strong foreground objects and leading lines help give your viewer the sense of “being there”. This is a really strong photograph! Great job.

    As far as the polarizing filter goes, it’s made a huge impact, especially on the saturation levels of your sky. It’s deepened and enriched your blue hues which make the composition slightly more dramatic.

    Overall, fantastic work on this assignment! Looking forward to seeing your next assignment.

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