Lesson 5

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    Here is my work for lesson 5 assignment. I was really busy last weeks, that is why it took so long, and I am afraid that my inspiration hasn´t been so much, but anyway, colour it is! 😀

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I sincerely apologize for the delay on this one. I’m not sure how or why it was missed.

    So let’s ger right into it. Lesson 5 is all about color color simplification in photography.

    Your image certainly meets the requirements of the assignment. You have chose to use complimentary colors in your image and that’s great we just need to take you to the next level.

    Before talking about what we can do to take this to the next level that let’s talk about what could be improved with this image.

    [attachment=1:s47r2pm8]DSC_5922 Critiqued.jpeg[/attachment:s47r2pm8]

    1: depth of field / focus
    It becomes more and more important over time for you to understand your depth of field and control it. For example in this photograph it may appear that you have done it well but if you go to make a print from an image like this you will notice that your area of interest is not actually in focus.

    Look at this at 100%. Click on the photo below and you will see that’s it’s just slightly out of focus.

    [attachment=0:s47r2pm8]DSC_5922 100 percent.png[/attachment:s47r2pm8]
    Now this only really matters if you plan to make large prints and I understand this is just an assignment but I want you to start getting these details nailed down. You never know what context and how your images will want to be used in the future. I have had random images I’ve shot end up being blown up very large. So try to nail your focus and depth of field every time.

    2: noise
    It looks like your image was shot at ISO 200. If possible shoot at the lowest ISO you can in a static image like this. Nothing is moving andif you have a tripod you can get away with low ISO and longer exposures. All of which should decrease your noise/grain. Keep in mind once you get into very long exposures your sensor may start to get warm and add noise even at your lowest ISO but that’s another story.

    3: simplify
    This assignment is about color simplicity and you have some red colors in here that don’t belong. Remove anything that isn’t essential. Always do this if you can. Remove what is not eseential and you will have more stunning images.

    4: composition
    It appears as though you almost wanted to use negative space here but it’s not really working. Don’t forget the basic composition guidelines like the rule of thirds and the golden ratio. These ‘rules’ are more like guidelines but the exist for a reason. They will dramatically improve the quality of your images if you just roughly keep them in mind.

    Beyond all of that I want you to take your images to the next level. That means not only would I like you to meet the criteria of the assignment but actually make a really interesting photograph. Don’t forget your earlier lessons. For instance think about how you see the world from lesson 1. In other words try to apply the lessons you learned in each lesson into the next one.

    Don’t worry too much about this though, the main thing is to have fun and do what feels right for you.

    The key take away here is that if you can, pick your colors and use color to visually separate your image and make it pop. Don’t just click at any colors you see. Think about color.

    This is one of the most forgotten aspects in photography and it is highly underused.

    Thanks for your assignment and I’ll see you on number 6.


    Thank you for your comments, they are really useful to realize about my mistakes, mainly in the technical aspect, which is what I want to improve.
    I have some problems with materials and locations due to the place I live (developing country in not very safe conditions), so sometimes, like here, I did not use tripod because I can´t have it with me where I live now. Anyway, I am already thinking about assignment 6, and I will try to make it as good as I can.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Yes always be careful. Safety is more important than photography so be careful out this Santiago!

    Where do you live by the way?

    Thanks for sharing.


    I live in Bangladesh because of my work. Taking pictures is a challenge, streets are not made for being quiet and concentrate and there is a risk to be assaulted, so it is harder than in civilized places, hehe. Anyway, I am back in Europe for Christmas and I hope to give a big push to the course during holidays. Merry Christmas by the way!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    That sounds very challenging indeed.

    Be careful out there.

    Thanks for sending your lesson in.

    Happy Holidays to you as well.

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