Lesson 6

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    I don’t think I did this very well but I went out to a park in the city I live in to take some pictures for a client of mine. I know these are not that well but it is what my client wanted. (Including the lens flare)

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Amanda,

    I’m not sure how these images meet the criteria for this assignment. I’m glad they are satisfying your client but if possible please go and reshoot this assignment.

    I really don’t feel like these feature any of the main principles discussed in this lesson.

    I know you can do better. 😉



    I hope this is better. Sorry it has taken me so long to re-post I have been in and out of the hospital.
    The first image I was standing somewhere that I probably shouldn’t have been so it is rather crooked. I tried to make it a little straight but it still looks interesting to me….I just wish the graffiti wasn’t there! Is this a little better????????? 😕

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Amanda,

    How are things?! This is much better although I do want you to keep this lesson in mind going forward. There are some nice use of lines and patterns in these images. Of course one real test is to ask yourself if you’d hang this on your wall?

    The problem with the top image is that the corner is over exposed. Sometimes you just need to wait for better light.

    Also I know this lesson is not about color but both images are fairly monochromatic.

    Don’t forget to hold you camera steady when you’re shooting. The less camera shake the more sharp your images will be. This is critical for making nice large prints.

    Overall I like what you’ve done here.

    Try to add a dash of color in your next images and don’t forget to have fun!

    See you on the next assignment.

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