Lesson 6

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  • #18646

    Here is a pictures from lesson 6.
    I was walking in the fields and came across this nature shot. In this moment things were chaotic in nature, hundreds of birds where calling to each other surounding the trees, frogs and crickets were all croaking yet bats started swooping and an owl was perched high up hunting. Yet this pictures seems so calm and soothing.
    I tried to apply the Implied lines rule and the Vertical lines rule learned in lesson 6 creating height, strength, and for me a spiritual sensation. I also tried to implement the rule of 3rds using the fence as my lower horizon.
    I also played with reflection. Had a hard time with the rule of thirds because i was trying to not include the pool filters at the bottom of the pool.
    Looking forward to any critiques! 😎

    Duncan Rawlinson

    I like your image of the reflection but, if you could reshoot this lesson (given my previous critiques) that would be great!

    Please do them one at a time.

    Thank you!!



    I went to this pool again to reshoot the shot using my new tripod. I 100 % feel the difference in the camera stability with the tripod especially with heavy lens.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    On this one I’m going to suggest this composition:
    [attachment=1:2f79rtgo]DSC_2051 Edited 01.jpg[/attachment:2f79rtgo]

    If you want to send in another one here that would be great!

    I like your composition and the strong lines and geometric shapes and symmetry. Just be aware that when you’re shooting something like this you need to be very careful about the shape of your image and the lines in the frame.

    Here is an example I’ve seen of spectacular composition and attention to detail by Marcin Ryczek:
    [attachment=0:2f79rtgo]man feeding swans.jpg[/attachment:2f79rtgo]

    Look at how perfect the geometry and composition of the image is!

    So make sure your horizons are flat and your lines are straight. Use the lens distortion tool in your post processing tool if you need to, to correct aberrations.

    Overall you’ve done a nice job and I would like to continue to see you work on your composition in all of your photographs.


    Thanks for the critiques what an amazing example picture wow! Thats defiantly a wall hanger!
    Here is the reshot picture of the pool using a tripod and a polarized lens.


    Final Picture

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi there,

    Thanks for sending in your another image.

    I would recommend you take a look at this article on landscape photography as this is sort of a landscape photograph.

    One thing you can do for certain to improve these kinds of images is to ensure everything is in focus.

    A great landscape photograph is usually razor sharp from foregroud all the way out to the far background. A simple tip for this is to max out your depth of field. This often is simply done by shooter at a higher fstop and longer shutter. As you will notice though you may have the problem of too much light. So this is where filters come in, or shooting at different times of day. (like sunrise or sunset)

    Anyway you’ve done a nice job here!

    See you on the next assignment!


    Thanks for the critiques regarding the landscape… the DOF and F-stops make sense to get more things in focus. Looking forward to the next lessons. 🙂

    Duncan Rawlinson


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