Lesson 7 Assignment

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    First image is an attempt at soft lighting using natural light. I used the highest aperture I could, f36 and an ISO 400. I wanted a large depth of field. I used a tripod. I know a higher ISO makes noise but I did it anyway, I don’t know why. I got confused. But there is dirty glass over the clock to begin with.

    Second image is a hard lighting sample.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Chris,

    I’m very sick at the moment.

    I will try to get to this asap.



    Feel better, man. It’s going around. I know 4 people who had/has strep.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Christopher,

    I’m still sick but I thought I would try to get to this.

    The Lesson 7 is about creating two photographs. One that features hard or harsh light and one that features soft light.

    In your images here you have done that quite well. Obviously the photograph of the clock could have far less noise to improve the overall quality of the image but without that it’s quite a nice image and it features very nice soft light.

    Now I want you to be careful. Don’t confuse dark or low light with nice soft light. People often get tripped up with this. Try to look at the shadows (or lack of sharp shadows) and that should help you figure out the quality of the light.

    The reason I bring this up is that your photograph of the burned pages doesn’t really feature hard light.

    Can you please submit another hard light image just so I can see you know what I mean.

    Sorry for the slow response time.

    I’m still sick. ugh..


    Hello. Is this image, which I took the same day with the other burned book (bottom image), not hard lighting? The sun was shining bright from an angle not overhead and the pages are casting what I think are hard shadows, no? or what about the pic of the sign post (I did a bunch of post on it to remove background elements)? Just want to make sure I understand this before I submit next lesson.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Yes I may have been mistaken this surely is hard light. Both of these are!


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