Lesson 8 Advanced Composition

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    Here is my submission for Lesson 8. The theme here is “Reflections”. I was out back the other day during a rainstorm. I noticed the reflection off the lid of the garbage can. I awed by the clarity of it all. I added an umbrella to try and balance and make the photo more interesting.


    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Fred,

    I like your image here although I was hoping you would spend some more time on setting up a photograph as opposed to shooting a candid photograph on the street.

    Here are a couple examples of other students’ submissions for this lesson. Notice how they setup a shot and executed it.

    Example 1

    Example 2

    Don’t get me wrong I like your image and it is certainly interesting but the goal of this assignment is for your to think of something, and then to shoot that. In other words try to match up reality with your imagination.

    I’d be happy to critique another submission for this assignment if you would like. Otherwise I can critique this one.

    Just let me know how you would like to proceed. Just click the post reply button below to write back.



    Thank you for your comments. I would like to give this another try. I think I can be more creative. Will take another go at it!



    Duncan Rawlinson

    Just wanted to make sure you got this one done.

    Did you get a chance to do it?


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