Lesson 9 Assignment Black & White

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    I took this at work in a bathroom stall with an iPhone 4. I had to crop it just a bit in post. I also fixed the horizon line because it was a little off and it was bugging me.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hi Christopher,

    Can you please reshoot this.

    I want to see if you understood the assignment.




    I want to make sure I understand this assignment before i re-shoot it because I’ll probably do something similar. It asked for 1. A wide tonal range and 2. An uneven tonal balance slanted toward the black end of the spectrum. There is a screen shot below of the histogram. The original photo is on the left and then I converted it to black and white. The black box is actually a door. Are we supposed to actually shoot it in the black and white setting? If so, I can definitely shoot again. Otherwise, can you tell me what is it you see that might be wrong so I don’t repeat it? Thanks.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Maybe I was just a bit frustrated that you took a photograph with a phone in the bathroom at work! Too easy!

    The photo does meet the criteria of the assignment, I just feel like I want to see more from you. I don’t want your images to just meet the criteria of the assignment, I want them to be great photographs on their own. Of course that’s subjective as well but I think you know what I mean.

    I guess what I’m saying is that I want you to work a little more on this. You’ve already used up your super minimal photo in the last assignment anyway… 😉

    As I said previously no worries if you don’t want to. This course is really


    OK, no problem, I’ll give this one another go as well.

    Duncan Rawlinson



    Ok, here is my re-shoot of a black and white image. I know you’re going to plunk me on the lines being off. I try really hard to get everything level but it seems that on every picture I take, the top left and right corners seem to bend to the left and right respectively (you’ll see it more prominently on my new staged lesson 8 shot). Is there something i can do to fix it? Do you think it is the safety filter I am using?

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Much better!

    The bending is from lens distortion. In fact in some architectural photographers will even use a tilt shift lens for combat lens distortion. Take a look at this if you want to understand why that distortion happens.

    A quick solution to this problem is to remove the distortion in your post processing software. Most of the modern image processing software tools have this feature. Adobe Lightroom is quite good at this.

    I like that you are developing a style of images that are sleek and minimal.

    I look forward to seeing your next assignments.

    Nice job here. Your image meets the criteria for the assignment.

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