Lesson 9 B&W

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  • #17871

    Hi, for this assignment I tried to take advantage of the dark tones to make the nice shape of the white flower stand out. It turned out to be kind of an abstract photo… Feedback is welcome!

    Duncan Rawlinson

    This is a breathtaking image. Great work!

    Your composition is clean and engaging and you’ve accomplished exactly what this assignment asked you to do: capture a photograph with the widest tonal range possible. It seems as though your camera handles dynamic range well. Your whites are clear, in focus and you haven’t lost any details due to over lighting.

    The texture throughout this photograph kept me engaging with it for quite some time. It took me a moment to figure out what the composition was, but once I identified the flower everything fell into place.

    It’s a very delicate and beautiful photograph. It’s a fragile photograph that is full of life and texture. Since you’ve decided to shoot from a downwards perspective, the image has a sense of depth due to layering (i.e., foreground, middle-ground, background) and this creates the illusion that the flower is peeking its tip out of the frame towards the audience. I really love the perspective of this photograph.

    It’s not only technically well done with sharp focus, clean edges, not distracting composition, wide tonal range and a strong sense of object priority, but it’s also a very creative photograph as well.

    Great work! Your best yet in my opinion!

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