Lesson One Assignment

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  • #18587

    [attachment=1:1jw15g2t]jessica photography 149.JPG[/attachment:1jw15g2t]

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Hey there!

    Welcome to the student forum and thanks for your first assignment. You’re on your way to improving your photography! First things first did you confirm that you are on the email list for IPS? If not put your email here:

    Also are you on Twitter? If so send an @ reply to @photographyicon and say hi! If you’re not on twitter you should sign up. It’s a great resource for photographers.

    Now on with your critique.

    I like that you’ve taken the risk of shooting in manual and doing something different here. Obviously the image is very over exposed but it’s great that you’re experimenting already. It looks like you’ve shot the darker image at an ISO of about 1600 and then you forgot to lower the ISO for the much brighter image.

    Take a look at the histogram for this image. You can see that it is clipping all over the place.


    Try to play around with your exposure, your shutter speed, and your ISO going forward.

    What’s great about this image is that you’ve done some very fundamental things. For one, you’ve gotten close. This is a great. Try to do this as much as you can.

    Another is that you’ve played with the available light.

    And finally you’ve changed your perspective.

    These are all great ideas, you just need to refine your technique a little. In this case properly exposing your image, using the correct IOS, and shutter speed. You have used the exact same manual settings for both of these images when they’re very different. One is very dark and the other is very bright. Each requires wildly different settings to achieve a nice image.

    I would encourage you to continue to play around in manual but in the early goings it might be best for you to set your camera to the P mode. On P mode on a canon dslr you essential control the f stop and the camera controls everything else for you. Try to play around in that mode.


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