Lesson Two.

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    I am obsessed with books and I have a craving for learning that I am trying to fulfill. You will find me in a corner at borders (bookstore) with a million books propped up on my lap. My eyes inhaling the beautiful words and pictures.

    This is where I will pick up my story. I had a good selection of photography books sitting next to me; however this one book just caught my eye. It was big, thick and bulky – not like the ‘new’ books you normally find on the shelves. It felt like an old book – an abundance of information. This book was an insight into his mind, his handwritten notes and thoughts about the “celebrity” and how he wanted to represent them in a two dimensional world.

    I am talking about Peter Brew Bevan, an Australian photographer. Sure, you may not know the name but I would bet on it that you have seen his works. His portfolio is so high profile he would be able to ‘name drop’ anywhere in the world.

    So you might be thinking “Ok so this photographer takes good photos of A-star celebrities”.

    That isn’t how I feel about his photography at all. When you sit there and immerse in his work you see something completely different. Instead of looking at the photograph and just saying ‘oh that’s Delta Goodrem and focusing on her as a star/singer’. You see a beautiful human being in all its glory – not a star. For me his pictures desensitise the whole “star” thing, showing them as real people.

    Also his shoots rarely include anything about their celebrity talent as he tries to let us see that there is a real person under all of the glamour, lights, money and makeup. Just natural beauty in a photographic composition that creates a stunning piece of work.

    I couldn’t pick a favourite, as they are all so different from each other.

    The theme is definitely about desensitising the “starness” about a celebrity; making them human and showing how beautiful the human for really is.

    I love his composition of all of his photographs. They are very relaxing to view. He has put a lot of thought into how his composition details determine how somebody will view his photographs.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great source of inspiration. For other students who want to see more of his portfolio go to…


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