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  • #18310

    Re-discovering my world

    Duncan Rawlinson


    Welcome to the student forum! Did you confirm that you are on the email list by clicking on that link in the email you received?

    It should look like this:


    Also, are you on twitter? If so follow: http://twitter.com/photographyicon There will be updates posted there.

    If you could add your twitter username in a response here that would be great. (so I can add you to the twitter list) If not no worries!

    Also you can edit your forum signature and add your pic here. This helps me with remembering how you’ve been progressing through the course…

    Now onto the fun stuff.

    The very first assignment is very important for several reasons. The main one is that it gets you going. You’re on your way. You’ve taken concrete steps toward improving your photography skills and you’ve already submitted your first assignment so this is excellent.

    The actual assignment is about starting to see the world a little differently. The way photographers do. A good photographer can see things the average person will ignore or just not even notice.

    They have a good ‘eye’ if you will.

    In this lesson you’ve proven that you can notice the interestingness (not a word is it?!) of the mundane and use photography to make it interesting.

    You’ve submitted three phtographs.

    I have to say, I’m having trouble figuring out which one is supposed to be your “beast” shot! In other words the boring one!

    Whether intentionally or not, they are all quite nice in their own way.

    Photo 1: (mosul)

    Getting close is great, in this case it looks like you’ve gone beyond the range of your lens as this image is out of focus. There is a range that your lens can handle, if you get too close your lens simply cannot focus. I think that’s what happened here. Check out your lens and camera specs and it will tell you the minimum focus distance.

    Photo 2: (coffee)

    There is a nice symmetry to this photograph and you’ve even done some post processing on the image. It looks as though you’d first made it B&W and also added some vignetting to the image. This is great but for now, let’s stick to just shooting and we’ll worry about post processing in later lessons.

    Photo 3: (microwave)

    This photograph reminds me of the work of William Eggleston. It’s so bland and mundane that it’s actually interesting. The flash even adds a nice element (which is rare)


    I believe this was supposed to be your beast shot. Either way I like it!

    Overall you’ve done a decent job here of making things look interesting. Maybe mundane photographs is your calling? There is a whole world of fascincating mundane photos to be had. Look at these!

    Untitled by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden, on Flickr

    Untitled by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden, on Flickr

    Untitled by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden, on Flickr

    Nice work.

    Don’t forget to get on twitter, and update your forum signature + avatar.

    I hope you’re as inspired as I am to get out and shoot!

    See you on assignment number 2!



    I took the pic of the mug where it sits when not in use (next to the coffee pot on top of the Microwave to really show the mundane over looked mug) the B&W pic was my attempt to make the mug more appealing the only thing I did was change the camera from color to black and white and took the pic.
    As for the focus… well that would be the true statement for the quality of work done by the local nationals here in Iraq whom I purchased the mug from lol… The focus on the my camera acutely was good

    I will give it another go at this and resubmit

    Thank you
    SGT Valdez FA

    Duncan Rawlinson


    This is more like it!

    You can obviously see which is the superior photograph here.

    Nice work!

    Onto assignment 2 now.

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