Lesson2: My Inspiration

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    I Honestly Do not know that many photographers but i do know one who is a fashion photographer and he is my friend. His name is Adam Bouska. (Adam is in the 2nd pic below) And the picture i chose its just one of the many many many pictures that Adam has shot in photo shoots that i love! Adam has a very creative mind that i admire! and his photographs are very different than anybody else’s that i have ever seen or known. I feel that whenever i have a question about photography or a picture idea i can go to Adam and ask him and he always seems to help me with the best advice. And the theme i love about Adam’s work is “People” he is a fashion photographer so he deals with pictures of people all of the time. But i just love the pictures he takes of people. I enjoy taking pictures of people at concerts on stage. I’d even really enjoy taking pictures of models one day. Everytime i see a new picture that Adam has taken i look at it carefully and i admire at how he has such a talent that i one day would like to have but as my own. I look up to him and love his work. So i would have to say that Adam Bouska is my inspiration.

    Duncan Rawlinson

    Great write up! Thanks for sharing that with us. I hope to see you submit assignments that deal with this particular interest within photography (i.e. fashion and people).

    Again, thank you for sharing this with us.

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