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  • #17754

    decided to put in these photos of buildings showing natural lighting but have also been experimenting with artificial lights – seems the possibilities are endless and effects are endless… think it will take me a looooong time to nail this lesson but intend to have fun trying. at least I have learned that light is something essential and to think about in every shot…



    Duncan Rawlinson

    I’m thrilled to hear you’re starting to realize the importance of light in photography. I’m also very impressed with your two photographs.

    Both images use lines and shapes as their primary photographic elements, but there is a lot more going on besides just line and shape. There are many other strong compositional elements within each of these photographs. For starters, your images accomplish what this assignment asked from you. That was to show your understanding of the difference between hard and soft lighting. Beyond that however, you’ve been able to incorporate texture, pattern and color control into each photograph.

    It’s also interesting to see two quite similar photographs side by side with distinct differences in their shapes. The first image of a sharp point is much more aggressive looking then the rounded corners in your second image which has a much softer feel to it.

    In both images you’ve used negative space (the sky), but in both cases the texture of the negative space either exaggerates the main object isolation (such as in the example of your first photograph), of softens the exaggeration of isolation by adding the secondary element of clouds.

    There is an incredibly sharpness to your first image, not only in the obvious shape, but also aided by your other compositional choices (i.e. no clouds, metal textures, lighting condition etc).

    What might be interesting for you to play around with would be lighting small sets in your home with flashlights or lamps. You’ll really start to get passionate about the effects of directional lighting and texture. It’s a lot of fun to play around with in miniature and then try to apply some of your new knowledge to wider scenes.

    Watch the following video about lighting here:

    The video is directed towards filmmakers, but the ideas are the same for photographers.

    Enjoy and keep up the good work.

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